Gangster Arena

Gangster Arena

Offre totale:1500
Gangster Arena

Les gangsters forment l'épine dorsale de Gangster Arena, générant passivement le jeton $GREED, essentiel pour participer aux guerres de gangs et gagner des récompenses au classement. Posséder un gangster sera le seul moyen de générer des $GREED lors du lancement de Gangster Arena 2. Limités à 1 500 exemplaires, ces objets de collection numériques en 2D pourront être frappés sur la blockchain Blast.

Gangster Arena: Vente Publique

Gangster Arena: Vente Publique

26 May 2024

The date for the Vente Publique event by Gangster Arena is May 26, 2024, at 3:00 AM. Gangster Arena is on Blast blockchain. The number of the Gangster Arena Twitter followers and Discord members is 43629 and 2000.

Gangster Arena: Freemint

Gangster Arena: Freemint

23 May 2024 - 26 May 2024

The date for the Freemint event by Gangster Arena is May 23, 2024, at 3:00 AM. Mint price for each NFT will be 0.0 None. Gangster Arena is on Blast blockchain. The number of the Gangster Arena Twitter followers and Discord members is 43629 and 2000.

Gangster Arena: Liste Blanche

Gangster Arena: Liste Blanche

23 May 2024

The date for the Liste Blanche event by Gangster Arena is May 23, 2024. Gangster Arena is on Blast blockchain. The number of the Gangster Arena Twitter followers and Discord members is 43629 and 2000.

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